Projectes d'investigació internacionals
PRIMAGE PRedictive In-silico Multiscale Analytics to support cancer personalized diaGnosis and prognosis, Empowered by imaging biomarkers.

- Call
- H2020-SC1-DTH-2018-1
- Investigador principal
- Dr. Luis Martí-Bonmatí
- Role
- Coordinator
- Year
- 2018
PRIMAGE proposes a cloud-based platform to support decision making in the clinical management of malignant solid tumours, offering predictive tools to assist diagnosis, prognosis, therapies choice and treatment follow up, based on the use of novel imaging biomarkers, in-silico tumour growth simulation, advanced visualisation of predictions with weighted confidence scores and machine-learning based translation of this knowledge into predictors for the most relevant, disease-specific, Clinical End Points.
NUTRISHIELD NUTRISHIELD: Fact-based personalised nutrition for the young

- Call
- H2020-SFS-2018-1
- Investigador principal
- Julia Kuligowski
- Role
- Participant
- Year
- 2018
NUTRISHIELD aims at creating a personalised platform for the young. The platform will consist of novel methods & techniques, which analyse a wide range of biomarkers related to nutrition and health disorders. Based on findings, the platform then uses ICT, by expanding existing nutrition assistive mobile apps, in order to provide feedback and steering people towards a better nutrition. This takes into account the way each person responds to different nutrients and food types, by also analysing phenotype, genome expression, microbiome composition, health condition, mental & psychological condition, as well as financial capabilities for procuring food.
iPLACENTA Innovation in modelling Placenta for Maternal and Fetal Health

- Call
- H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017
- Investigador principal
- Dr. José Morales, IIS La Fe
- Role
- Participant
- Year
- 2017
iPLACENTA is a European Training Network (ETN), and will act as a springboard for promoting international, intersectoral and multi/inter-disciplinary training, career development and collaboration of fifteen early-stage researchers (ESRs) in Maternal and Fetal Health. iPLACENTA will improve our ability to study, model and visualize the placenta. iPLACENTA focuses on doctoral-level training and will be delivered by eleven participating universities located in ten different European countries. It coordinates research and training collaboration among world-leading academic institutions in Europe, providing a new combination of in-depth international expertise.
OActive Advanced personalised, multi-scale computer models preventing OsteoArthritis

- Call
- H2020-SC1-2016-2017
- Investigador principal
- Dr. Enrique Viosca
- Role
- Participant
- Year
- 2017
The OACTIVE scientific and technological objectives focus on the development of patient-specific computer models and simulation in order to develop appropriate OA prevention interventions or treatments. The main focus of the OACTIVE will be on knee OA (KOA) because this is the joint where OA symptoms most frequently cause significant loss of function and mobility.
Immunometabolomics CD8+ T cell metabolism in anti-tumor response.

- Call
- H2020-MSCA-IF-2016.
- Investigador principal
- Dr. Agustin Lahoz, Dr. Juan Carlos García Cañaveras
- Role
- Individual
- Year
- 2017
The main objective of the Immunometabolomics project is to understand metabolism in CD8+ T cells, during active effector T cell development and exhaustion, using approaches that go beyond current research which have been mostly focused on glucose/energy metabolism thus disregarding the relevance of anabolic and redox reactions that are crucial in correct cellular function and proliferation.
CrowdHEALTH CrowdHEALTH: Collective wisdom driving public health policies
- Call
- H2020-SC1-2016-CNECT.
- Investigador principal
- Dr. Bernardo Valdivieso
- Role
- Participant
- Year
- 2017
CrowdHEALTH will introduce a new paradigm of Holistic Health Records (HHRs) that include all health determinants. HHRs will be transformed into Social HHRs communities capturing the clinical, social and human context of the population segmentation and as a result the collective knowledge for different factors depending on the communities formulation criteria (e.g. demographics, diseases, lifestyle choices, nutrition, etc).
HARMONY Healthcare Alliance for Resourceful Medicines Offensive against Neoplasms in HematologY.

- Call
- H2020-JTI-2015-06-two-stage.
- Investigador principal
- Dr. Guillermo Sanz
- Role
- Co-Chair
- Year
- 2016
HARMONY is a European Network of Excellence that captures, integrates, analyzes and harmonizes Big Data from high-quality multidisciplinary sources for the purpose of acquiring valuable knowledge across the spectrum of hematologic malignancies (HMs). HARMONY will focus on HM disease areas with a high unmet need: multiple myeloma (MM), acute myeloid leukemia (AML), acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL), myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), and pediatric HMs.
Cardio-respiratory responses in dolphins Cardiorespiratory physiology in the bottlenose dolphin before, during, and after breath-holding and restraint.

- Call
- Office of Naval Research Contracts&Grants 2015.
- Investigador principal
- Dr. Andreas Fahlman
- Role
- Individual
- Year
- 2016
The proposed work is intended to evaluate cardiorespiratory (heart rate, stroke volume, systemic and pulmoarterial pressures, respiratory flow and expired gas composition) function in a small cetacean, the bottlenose dolphin, at rest, during apnea, during recovery from apnea and during and following a stressful situation. In addition, we will use these data to extract medical biomarkers from animals that are adapted to a range of extreme physiological challenges (e.g. hypoxia, ischemia/reperfusion, atelectasis). These biomarkers may provide valuable information for human clinical medicine.
Hibbs Association between Intermittent Hypoxia and Later Respiratory Morbidity.

- Call
- NIH-R01-HL16-015
- Investigador principal
- Dr. Máximo Vento
- Role
- Consultant
- Year
- 2016
Longer term respiratory morbidity remains a major consequence of preterm birth. The hypotheses will be in Aims 1 and 2 that IH episodes at one week and one month of life are significantly associated with prolonged duration of hospitalization and respiratory support, as well as a high incidence of wheezing disorders by six months adjusted age. In Aim 3 that low serotonin levels are associated with a high incidence of IH and a prolonged recovery of respiratory effort after onset of desaturation. Finally, in Aim 4 a temporal relationship between IH episodes and markers of oxidative stress determined by urine and blood samples.
ALBINO ALBINO: Effect of allopurinol in addition to hypothermia for hypoxic-ischemic brain injury on neurocognitive outcome.
- Call
- H2020-PHC-18-2015-two-stage.
- Investigador principal
- Dr. Máximo Vento
- Role
- Participant
- Year
- 2015
This project aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of allopurinol administered immediately after birth to near-term infants with HIE in addition to hypothermic treatment. The project will also provide information on the effect of hypothermia on pharmacokinetics of drugs with a similar metabolism as allopurinol in neonates, and develop and validate biomarkers for neonatal brain injury using advanced magnetic resonance imaging, biochemistry, and electroencephalogramms, which will then be available for future studies testing neuroprotective interventions.